
Chinese Discrimination
-American laborers resented the Chinese because they were willing to work for low wages
    -Feared that all the jobs would go to the Chinese
-Resentment and fear of Chinese sometimes resulted in mob attacks
-Excluded from monopolizing jobs
Chinese Exclusion Act
-1882 Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act
    -Banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials
    -In 1892 this law was extended for 10 more years
-In 1902 Chinese immigration was restricted indefinitely
    -This law was not repealed until 1943

Angel Island
-Forced to prove they had a husband or father in US
-Detained(weeks, months, years) and interrogated
-Officials hoped to deport as many as possible
-Had to answer unusual questions that they had trouble answering
   - What is your floor made of?
   - What does your living room look like?
   - How many windows were on your street?
Men and women were housed separately

Immigration in the United States (1830-1920)